Wearable Computing

I am interested in the interaction between technology and fashion and how scientific developments can be intensified. 

Miniaturization is the trend to manufacture ever smaller mechanical, optical and electronic products and devices.

Eudaemonia is happiness or welfare; however, “human flourishing” has been proposed as a more accurate translation.

KOBAKANT were commissioned to make an Extravagant Electronic funeral gown, also known as The Crying Dress. The gown was worn by the wife of the deceased commissioner in attendance of his funeral, where the dress shed endless tears of mourning

I think this is very clever how a piece of fabric can be created into something meaningful and special, whether you would want something (as well as yourself and everyone else) crying at a funeral, then so be it!


LED Jackets and Trainers? I think this has already accelerated as a variety of digital wearables. I especially like how come people have been able to incorporate them into dance to give routines a new platform and that takes choreography to another stage.

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