Arduino Coding Basics

Ground Pins (GND)

Digital Pins (Outputs) 0-5 volts

Analog Pins (Service connectors) 0-1023 volts = more varying … i.e light sensors/variables – not LED or speakers (If you want a light emitting diode to dim, you use the PWM pins)



We had a workshop involving powering LEDs with an Arduino board. We experimented with breadboards and connected it with the Arduino software to send messages to our LEDs. We made them flash on and off and learnt the basics to what brackets we had to use.

We then got to experiment with buttons and control the LED with certain timings; such as a second on and half a second off, also flashing very fast. We also tried with more than one LED and realised that the more lights you use, the less flow of electricity runs through so the lights are dimmer.

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