
Arduino Coding Basics

Ground Pins (GND)

Digital Pins (Outputs) 0-5 volts

Analog Pins (Service connectors) 0-1023 volts = more varying … i.e light sensors/variables – not LED or speakers (If you want a light emitting diode to dim, you use the PWM pins)



We had a workshop involving powering LEDs with an Arduino board. We experimented with breadboards and connected it with the Arduino software to send messages to our LEDs. We made them flash on and off and learnt the basics to what brackets we had to use.

We then got to experiment with buttons and control the LED with certain timings; such as a second on and half a second off, also flashing very fast. We also tried with more than one LED and realised that the more lights you use, the less flow of electricity runs through so the lights are dimmer.

Wearable Computing

I am interested in the interaction between technology and fashion and how scientific developments can be intensified. 

Miniaturization is the trend to manufacture ever smaller mechanical, optical and electronic products and devices.

Eudaemonia is happiness or welfare; however, “human flourishing” has been proposed as a more accurate translation.

KOBAKANT were commissioned to make an Extravagant Electronic funeral gown, also known as The Crying Dress. The gown was worn by the wife of the deceased commissioner in attendance of his funeral, where the dress shed endless tears of mourning

I think this is very clever how a piece of fabric can be created into something meaningful and special, whether you would want something (as well as yourself and everyone else) crying at a funeral, then so be it!


LED Jackets and Trainers? I think this has already accelerated as a variety of digital wearables. I especially like how come people have been able to incorporate them into dance to give routines a new platform and that takes choreography to another stage.

Digital Design Weekend: London Design Festival at the V&A

This program includes installations, workshops, and performances, exploring civic design, sustainability and collaborative making. ldf16_greenroom_glithero_panerai-04_0

The Green Room was a monumental installation at the V&A, conceived by London design studio Glithero in partnership with luxury watch maker Panerai, that changes perceptions of what a clock can be. I liked this idea of changing the perceived norm of what a clock is with movement and colour.

HTML and CSS (Design and Build Websites) by John Duckett

What I’ve learnt so far…

Starting my second year studying Interaction and Interfaces excited me as I wanted to know the ins and outs of designing for web and other digital medias. I felt the need to broaden my knowledge further than Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. However, when I first sat down to listen to what we would be learning about over the year, I was instantly overwhelmed at how little I didn’t know but soon realised, almost everyone was in the same position.

This book by John Duckett gives you the basic knowledge and also the detailed knowledge of HTML and CSS. It is mentioned in the summery that most know-how books detailing similar information are very technical and old-fashioned, meaning they are difficult to learn from. I found this book was a modernised and clearer version of what is out there at the moment.

I have learnt that an Internet server hosts the website and includes codes of HTML and CSS and this is received by an Internet browser, which then interprets coding to create pages that you see. Since the web was created, there have been many versions of HTML and CSS, each one is an improved version of the previous but at the moment, the latest versions are HTML5 and CSS3.

You connect to the web via an internet service provider (ISP) and you type a domain name/web address into the browser to visit. Your computer then contacts a DNS server (which acts like a phone book) and tells your computer the IP address associated with that particular domain name. An IP address is a number of up to 12 digits and every device connected to the web has a unique IP address (like a phone number for that computer).


My first blog post…

I started this blog to record and share my experiences of Graphic Design. I am in my second year and studying Interaction and Interfaces and Typography. This blog will show my progress of learning throughout second year and what new experiences I have. Already in the first month, I have learnt a lot of things that I did not know about, especially with Interaction and Interface.